Heart disease is caused by a build-up of plaque in the arterial walls, which blocks the flow of blood to the heart muscle.
Every 60 seconds, someone in this country suffers a fatal heart attack.
Cardiovascular Disease ranks as the
No. 2 cause of death for children under age 15. |
About 1 million Americans alive today have congenital cardiovascular defects - 25 percent are children. |
No disease claims as many women's lives as Cardiovascular Disease. |
In 2005, the projected direct and indirect cost of Cardiovascular Disease is an estimated $393.5 billion. |
Coronary Heart Disease is the single largest killer of American males and females. |
The estimated average number of years
of life lost due to a heart attack is 11.5. |
On average, every 45 seconds someone in the United States has a stroke. |
Each year, more than a million persons in the U.S. have a heart attack and about half (515,000) of them die. About one-half of those who die, do so within 1 hour of the start of symptoms and before reaching the hospital. |